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50 - Love Languages

Understand the 5 love languages and your love language are paramount for finding happiness in life and your relationships. I believe we value all 5 love languages, but have one language we value most. For example, I value quality time. If I want to be truly fulfilled and happy; it's paramount I find friends and a partner who values the same love language. Once you find your compliment, you will enjoy life more.

How do you identify your love language or someone who values the same love language as you?

It's easy. Think about what you complain about. I complain about not having enough time hanging out with my friends. To reiterate, I value "quality time." By listening to what your friends, family, and partner complain about, you can figure out their love language. Then, you can speak their love language and the other 4 languages to shower them with the love they deserve!

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